
Showing posts from November, 2017

How to get rid of a brown spot / discolouration on the whites of the eye / sclera

A brown patched developed on my right eye when i was a teenager. I have no idea what caused it and over the years it never changed shape, size or colour. It never caused me any pain but i was always conscious of it and would usually turn to the side whenever taking a photo.  So i visited a reputable ophthalmologist in Zimbabwe who explained that its like a harmless freckle that occurs more often in dark skinned people (kinda like an accumulation of melanin). Therefore he said it could be removed for cosmetic purposes. The doctor convinced me that its a minor procedure called Pterygectomy and flap or Pterygium surgery which has low risks. So at the age of 26 i finally had the USD $820 to pay for the procedure and medication. So i booked to have it done and on the 14th of December 2016 i went in for the procedure. Upon arrival at the doctors surgery, the nurses applied some eye drops to numb my eye and gave me a pill to calm me down. I then went into the procedure room, settl